Say hello to our new partner, Chilly Moose. Chilly Moose is a local business, run in Ontario Canada, selling premium outdoor gear. Their products include reusable drinkware, coolers, and more! Chilly Moose items are built to replace single-use items and are constructed to last a lifetime. We’ve teamed up with Chilly Moose to get more trees in the ground. For every piece of corporate drinkware sold, Integrity reforestation will plant a tree!
When we teamed up with Chilly Moose, we asked them why a tree planting partnership was important to them. Here is what they had to say, “At Chilly Moose, we are committed to making a positive impact on our planet while enhancing your daily beverage experience… We are committed to teaching our children responsible living, as well as leaving them a planet with clean, fresh water and protected untouched environments. Chilly Moose is honoured to partner with organizations such as Ontario Parks and Scouts Canada, to help continue their efforts in protecting important Canadian eco-systems and educating future generations…Together, we can make a significant difference in combating climate change and preserving the natural beauty of Canada… With us, you become part of a growing community of environmentally-conscious individuals who are taking action to preserve the beauty of our planet for future generations.”
As for us, we are thrilled to be partnered with such a great company who shares our values of integrity and environmental stewardship. Find their products here and learn more about the partnership on their website here.